PinnedAre you living by accident or … “on purpose”?Combining mindfulness with startup creation methods can help you designing business and creative journeys based on purpose.May 14, 2019May 14, 2019
From Ikigai to WEkigai: Co-creating our Sustainable ProsperityIkigai, the Japanese concept of finding one’s purpose in life, can be translated as “a reason for being” or “a reason to wake up in the…Apr 22, 2023Apr 22, 2023
The "monotheism of unicorns and exponential growth" has been generating more anxiety and…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
HoPE Canvas: Uma Ferramenta para Expressar seu PropósitoSe sempre foi importante basear nossas iniciativas em um bom propósito, hoje isso é urgente. Se a sociedade humana já vivia a chamada…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
HoPE Canvas: A Tool to Express our PurposeIf it has always been important to base our initiatives on a good purpose, today this is urgent. If human society was already experiencing…Sep 2, 20201Sep 2, 20201
Você vive sem querer ou DE PROPÓSITO?Combinar mindfulness com métodos de criação de startups te ajuda a projetar negócios e jornadas criativas baseados em propósito.May 12, 2019May 12, 2019
13 Questions to Design a Holistic Business: Creating a “Business for Good”Is it possible to harmonize holistic practice with entrepreneurial activity?Oct 18, 20173Oct 18, 20173
13 Perguntas Para Projetar um Empreendimento Baseado em Propósito: Criando “Negócios Para O Bem”Mindful♥Business: Como harmonizar as visões holística e de negócio?Aug 16, 20174Aug 16, 20174
Cooperative Problem Solving with Design Thinking“To understand them, the systems had to be constructed, and their behavior observed” — Herbert SimonAug 4, 2017Aug 4, 2017